It is said that you don’t know what you’re feeling until it has a name. Anthropocene is a word that defines our time. This is the Age of Humanity. Ours is an ever-increasingly anxious era. Plagues and calamities abound. Technologies of all sorts are advancing at an exponential rate.

The Dream Is Over I recently dreamt that I was interacting with a group of women describing the incoming vice president as someone with “horrible”

I’m a relatively early adopter of technology. For example, I purchased the world’s first portable video recorder, the Sony Portapak, and the world’s first portable

We are all Anthropoceans now It is said that you don’t know what you’re feeling until it has a name. Ours is an ever-increasingly anxious

2024 is shaping up to be a year of destiny for Planet Earth. Elections will be held in 64 countries plus the European Union. 49% of the

I’m a lover of books that literally bend to my will.  The sooner I can fold the pages of a book back so that I’m

This video discusses the Anthropocene, the Age of Humanity, a new geological era that began about 200 years ago. Most geological eras last for tens

The Anthropocene is a shaky ride. Many belongings will shift during this wobbly flight. Like the warnings the Western world has been getting since 1000

Anthropoceans are inquisitive. While rigid religiosity is doing everything it can to oversimplify our ever-unfolding multidimensionality of this era, Anthropoceans accept the excitement, confusion, and

Nature’s Way by Spirit Brian Dobson’s comment on YouTube remains relevant: “I saw a Spirit concert right after this song came out. When they started

We Anthropoceans are pilgrims setting out on a non-linear, Escheresque highway. Anthropocene is the term used to describe the Age of Humanity, i.e., an era

Ian Arthur Bremmer (born November 12, 1969) is an American internationalist trained in political science. He is the founder and president of Eurasia Group, a

War and Civil Liberties Don’t Mix Writing in the December 20, 2021 edition of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, security analyst Arnaud Boehmann, reminds us